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An online forum designed to allow instructors and students to work together on questions and problems. Piazza works seamlessly with Canvas and is free for classes of 25 or less students.  There is a paid model for more than 25 students. For more information, visit Piazza's website.

Encouraging Authentic Conversation in an Online Discussion

hands on keyboards with lines connecting computers - symbolizing online discussions.
Photo Credit

Credit: "© dragonstock /” 

Discussion Assignment

A key component of your graduate coursework is participating in online discussions with classmates. Often, online discussions become an opportunity to check a box or write a multi-page report. I would like to move our discussion beyond this to one that becomes a true conversation where we explore ideas together.

Student-generated Discussions using Piazza for Collaborative Support

student-generated discussions using piazza
Photo Credit

Credit: Piazza, 2020

In GEOG 489: Advanced Python Programming for GIS, students work independently on programming tasks but are encouraged to use Piazza (integrated within Canvas) to hold related discussions with classmates. Here, students construct knowledge collaboratively as they assist one another, share perspectives and ideas, and answer each other’s questions.