This is the root segment of the polymer shown above that is used to make contact lenses.
(Use your mouse to manipulate the interactive molecular diagram.)
Typical molecular diagrams try to represent molecules in two dimensions. Students in MATSE 202: Introduction to Polymer Materials need to understand how the structure of molecules affects the production of polymers. MolView allows the students to interact with a 3D representation of the molecule to view the structure from any angle. This interactivity can promote interest and motivation on the part of the student, leading to a more careful study of the structure.
Molview can be added easily to any course where students can benefit from a three-dimensional understanding of molecular structures. Students can use Molview to build molecular structures from scratch, and Molview has an extensive database of predefined standard molecular models.
Molview may not be accessible for the non-sighted user. The non-sighted user should be given access to a traditional 3D molecular model kit.
Molview can be embedded in Canvas pages and in Canvas quiz questions.