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multimodal delivery

mul·ti·mod·al de·liv·er·y

/ˈməltiˌˈmōdl/ /dəˈliv(ə)rē/


Content delivery via more than one method, which allows students to learn a concept through a variety of modes such as written text, visuals, audio, or video.

Employing Microlearning with the Intention to Build Skills 

Fast & Short, One Learning Objective, Mobile-Friendly, Different types of media

Credit: modified from © bsd studio / Adobe Stock

Microlearning is an educational strategy wherein an educator “breaks down” complex tasks and behaviors into meaningful pieces that become powerful building blocks for learning. For instance, Darby notes in Small Teaching Online (Darby & Lang, 2019) that “successful coaches worked (with athletes) on small, fundamental skills that had powerful effects” on their learning. This intentional focus can be supported with an educator’s attention to delivery mode and timing.

Using Multimodal Instruction to Enhance Student Understanding

icons: music note, puzzle piece, image, camera, book, graph

Credit: © Penn State University is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Multimodal Instruction is just what its name suggests; it provides multiple modes of instruction, including verbal, graphic, numeric, or multimedia, to expose students to the same concept repeatedly. Multimodal instruction enhances learning in two ways: first, by allowing students to experience learning in the way they are most comfortable, and second, by challenging students to experience and learn in other ways (Picciano, 2009).